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srlucybange 150A perfect woman – who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls. …
She is always busy with wool and with flax; she does her work with eager hands …
She holds out her hand to the poor, she opens her arms to the needy.
She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
When she opens her mouth, she does so wisely;
On her tongue is kindly instruction
(Proverbs 31, 10-26)
srbenedictacarroll 150And so I prayed, and understanding was given me;
I entreated and the spirit of wisdom came to me. …
In her company all good things came to me, 
and at her hands incalculable wealth. …
What I learned diligently, I shall pass on liberally,
I shall not conceal how rich she is. …
For she is to human beings an inexhaustible treasure,
and those who acquire this, win God’s friendship. …
(Wisdom, 7, 7-14)
Tuesday, 09 February 2016 00:19

Congratulations Sr Tess Ward OAM

srtessward oam 150On the 26th January 2016 Sr Tess Ward was named in the Australia Day Honours List for 2016.

Tess has received an Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division, for her Service to Indigenous Communities in the Northern Territory, particularly as linguist and educator.

srtheresefarrell 150I know in whom I have believed,
and I am confident that he is able to safeguard until that Day
all that I have entrusted to him. (2 Tim. 1:12)


srnoellealbert 150When peaceful silence lay over all,
And night had run the half of her swift course,
Down from the heavens, from the royal throne,
Leapt your all-powerful Word. Wisdom 18, 14-15


Wednesday, 06 January 2016 22:18

Pope Francis chooses 2016 World Peace Day theme

pope francis bolivia01 150Overcome Indifference and win Peace will be the title of the Message for the 49th World Day of Peace, the third of the papacy of Pope Francis. Indifference in regard to the scourges of our time is one of the fundamental causes of the lack of peace. Today, indifference is often linked to various forms of individualism which cause isolation, ignorance, selfishness and, therefore, lack of interest and commitment. Increase of information does not mean per se an increase of attention to the problems, if it is not accompanied by solidarity-based openness of conscience. To this end, it is essential the contribution that can provide–besides the family–educators, teachers, people of culture, media practitioners, intellectuals and artists. Indifference can be won only responding together to this challenge.

Friday, 11 December 2015 01:25

Catholic Youth Festival

cyf 2015 150pxLast week, from the 5 - 7 December, Srs Jenny Seal, Lorraine McCleary and Philippa Murphy joined with approximately 4000 young Catholics in Adelaide for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival. The Festival was supported by the Australian Catholic Bishop's Conference.


Thursday, 10 December 2015 01:11

New Associates

new associates 2015 150px There was great joy at the OLSH Associates’ Annual Retreat at the MSC Retreat Centre in Douglas Park on Saturday 31st October when eight women made their Commitment as Associates of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred. Their commitment was received by Sr Elizabeth Little, the Provincial. We thank God for these women of the heart who have joined our International Chevalier Family and with us strive to be the Heart of God in the world.


pope francis opening door 1502015-12-08 Vatican Radio - (Vatican Radio) - Pope Francis on Tuesday opened the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica, inaugurating the Jubilee of Mercy. The ceremony took place after he celebrated Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception in St. Peter’s Square. The rain did not keep the people away: Over 50 thousand arrived, including the President and Prime Minister of Italy, Sergio Mattarella and Matteo Renzi; as well as King Albert II of Belgium with Queen Paola.

Pope Francis, during his homily, highlighted the primacy of grace.

“Were sin the only thing that mattered, we would be the most desperate of creatures,” Pope Francis said. “But the promised triumph of Christ’s love enfolds everything in the Father’s mercy… The Immaculate Virgin stands before us as a privileged witness of this promise and its fulfilment.”


pope francis 2015 12 11 1502015-12-07 Vatican Radio - Director of the Apostleship of Prayer in Zambia, Jesuit priest, Father Charles Searson reflects on the Jubilee year of Mercy and what it entails of all:

Pope Francis has declared the period from 8 December 2015 to 29 November 2016 as a Jubilee Year of Mercy. It is also his prayer intention for December: "that all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving."

Appropriately enough the Holy Father anticipated the year on Sunday evening 29 November by opening the Door of Mercy at the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Bangui, in the Central African Republic.

Pope Francis wants the celebration of the Holy Year to be for all believers "a true moment of encounter with the mercy of God". The Hebrew word for Mercy is "Hesed" which translates as "the loving kindness of the heart of our God."


2015-12-06 Vatican Radio - (Vatican Radio) - Before the recitation of the Marian Prayer on the second Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis referred to Sunday’s liturgy in which John the Baptist, preaches "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins".

The Holy Father pointed out that conversion is not just for atheists but also for those who already consider themselves Christians.

Pope Francis continued by saying, “No one can say: I'm fine. Not true, it would be presumptuous, because "we must always be converted."


TEN 6160 150Sister Anne has recently facilitated not only $126,000 from the Commonwealth Government Aboriginal Benefits Account to extend the Patakijyali Muesum in Wurrumiyanga, Tiwi Islands, she has also recently secured an additional $70,000 from the Northern Territory Government to  fit out a number of new exhibitions and an additional $11,500 for new air conditioners for the existing museum which are vitally important given the climate in the Northern Territory. Sister Anne has been working tirelessly with the local Tiwi people, especially the women to ensure their culture and language is documented and persevered for future generations.

srnora presidenttong 150Sr Nora Hanrahan OLSH. who was presented with a national Kiribati award, by President Anote Tong, for her work in advancing the lives of the Kiribati people during her long years in education there

On Saturday, 24th October, 2015 the President of Kiribati came to the OLSH Convent at Kensington to present a national Kiribati award to Sr Nora Hanrahan for her work in advancing the lives of the Kiribati people during her long years in education there.  He noted particularly her role in setting up 6th Form school with few resources in Teaoraereke, Tarawa.

svdmission 150The conference was held in Melbourne, October 2nd and 3rd. The Chevalier Family supported the conference.

Over 100 gathered at the Yarra Theological Union Study Centre, especially SVD members from around the world and a large number of the sister congregation of the Holy Spirit. All the papers were given by members of the congregations with visitors being the responders.

happy100birthday 150Wishing our dear Sister Constance, a very happy birthday. With deep gratitude for the many years of faithful witness as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

Your life has been a gift to our Congregation. You are an inspiration dear Constance!

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