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discernment01 150At Douglas Park we held another Discernment Weekend. There were five wonderful people there. If you're not sure where Douglas Park is, it's in Paradise.


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On the path of ecological conversion

These Stations of the Cross were prepared especially for those who have a deep admiration and love for Blessed John Paul II. If you are one of those people, and if you want to continue to be inspired and challenged by his prophetic message, these Stations of the Cross are meant in a special way for you and your faith community.

pdf  Download The Stations of the cross with John Paul II in PDF format

Wednesday, 25 March 2015 20:10

Discern a direction for life

vocationposter a4 150More than ever young people are discerning direction for their life. For some it is the question, “Where is God calling me?” for others, “What is my heart’s desire, its deepest desire?”, “Where can I find true meaning in my life?”, “What journey will enable me to love the best way I can?”

This genuine search is not for a comfortable lifestyle, but a life fulfilled by living Jesus’ greatest command, to love God and to love my neighbour as myself.

Wednesday, 04 March 2015 11:18

Local love for Sister Pat

srpat 150218 themonitor 150Schools and local community members helping to celebrate Sister Pat Hogan’s birthday recently have left the 80-year-old overwhelmed by their support.

Sister Pat was treated to a liturgy and morning tea at St Barbara’s Parish School last  ursday before an afternoon event on Sunday and a warm reception at Roxby Downs Area School on Monday morning.

bishoprodriguezmsc 150Pope Francis has named Fr. Rafael Rodríguez, MSC, the First Assistant General, Bishop of the Diocese of La Vega in the Dominican Republic. Our sincere congratulations and best wishes to Bishop elect Rafael! This is a great honor for our Congregation and a further confirmation (with the appointment of Bishop Plinio in 2007 to be auxiliary bishop of Santiago) of the missionary zeal and dedication of our Canadian and Dominican confreres who for eighty years have sacrificed so much to build up the Church in the Dominican Republic.

Wednesday, 04 March 2015 08:56

Sr Moira Lynch's eulogy

srmoiralynch 150May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved!

Sr Moira fdnsc
Marie Therese Lynch
08.09.1923 – 18.02.2015

Thursday, 19 February 2015 09:30

Message of Pope Francis for Lent 2015

popefrancis lent01 150In his Message for Lent 2015 Pope Francis addresses the globalization of indifference – a frequent theme in his homilies and talks.  He invites us to reflect with him on three texts from the Bible – 1 Cor 12:26, Gen 4:9, and Jas 5:8.

“Make your hearts firm” (Jas 5:8)

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 15:19

Order Now! 'A Life of Love'

MarieLouiseHartzer 150‘A Life of Love’, is the life story of Marie Louise Hartzer, the first Congregational Leader of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. It is told in story and song, the text having been written by Sr Juliette Baker, OLSH, and available on CD. There is also a transcript of this CD for those who wish to have a printed copy for reference.

joygospel01 150Throughout the month of February, Sr Robyn Reynolds has been  conducting a series of Reflection days which  have  focussed  on the document of Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) and our new Constitutions.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015 19:18

Some news about our international community

boundingtime 150The nine Sisters in our International Community at Bentleigh are now into their final weeks of their 3 month program. At the moment they are on an 8 day retreat ‘Life’s Healing Journey’ with Fr Chris Chaplin msc.  After this we have a trip to Werribee Zoo, compliments of Mick Renwick… chair of Board at the College.

201501 jubileecelebrations 150This past week has been a time of great rejoicing as family and friends gathered with the OLSH sisters to celebrate the remarkable lives of six OLSH sisters.

On 10th January 2015, Sisters Yvonne Berecry and Margaret Jennings celebrated 60 years of Religious Profession and Sisters Rita Clancy, Yvonne Gleeson, Marilyn Knolder, Robyn Reynolds celebrated 50 years of Religious Profession.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015 12:42

Jubilee News: Sr Lucy Bange

srlucybange 150Congratulations and Thank You

On the 6th January we celebrated the feast of the Epiphany at St Joseph’s Aged Care Facility and the Diamond Jubilee of Sr Lucy Bange. In 1953 Sr Lucy Bange made the decision to follow that star that led the wise men to Jesus and she found herself in Bowral as a Postulant with the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. After her first profession in 1955.

yearofconsecratelife logo 150When Pope Francis decreed 2015 to be the Year of Consecrated Life, he called on consecrated men and women of the Church to "wake up the world" with their testimony of faith, holiness and hope.

The Year of Consecrated Life began on 30 November and will conclude on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord on 2 February, 2016.

The Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Australia have invited Sisters from around the world to gather for formation and community, in response to Pope Francis' call for religious to look to the past with gratitude, live the present with passion, and embrace the future with hope.

sthsudan01 150OLSH sisters came to South Sudan in January 1995, but their mother, "Our Lady of the Sacred Heart", had preceded them by more than a hundred years.in 1875 Daniel Comboni (founder of the church in East Africa) and a contemporary of Jules Chevalier (founder of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart) consecrated the whole of Sudan to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Is it any wonder her daughters were destined to follow.

Sr Jo Kenny and Moira Lynch were the pioneer missionaries who came in 1995, almost by chance, but there is no such thing as chance.  Jo requested to work with refugees. Contact made with the Jesuit Refugee Service in Sydney coincided with an appeal from Bishop Caesar Mazzolari of the Rumbek diocese to the JRS in Nairobi, which resulted  in the first OLSH community at Mapuordit in South Sudan.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014 14:43

Congratulations Sr Moya Hanlen

moya 150On Tuesday 16th December, Moya had a farewell by Bishop Peter Ingham of Wollongong and by clergy and confreres with whom she has closely worked over the last 10 years.   There was a Mass followed by ‘High Tea’.

During the course of the Bishop’s speech he announced to all that he had been dealing with the Vatican Nuncio regarding an award which he wished to present to Moya on behalf of the Church, and that she was to be presented with the Cross- Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice -(for Church and Pope).

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