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sreugeniekennedy 150As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation,
and the time has come for me to be gone.
I have fought the good fight to the end;
I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith;
all there is to come now is the crown of righteousness reserved for me,
which the Lord the righteous judge, will give me on that day of judgement. (2 Timothy 4, 6-8)

srmaarylenaghan 150And eternal life is this:
To know you, (Father), the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. …
I have made your name known
to those you gave me. …
I have given them the teaching you gave to me. …
(John 17: 3, 6, 8.)


Friday, 01 July 2016 17:36

Warm welcome to new associates

newassociates2016 150On Saturday 25th June, in OLSH Chapel, Bentleigh, Margaret Aboureszk and Amanda Nugent made their Commitment as Associates of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. and welcomed them into the Chevalier Family.

srelainenorth 150There is one ONLY THING to do here below:
To love Jesus,
to win souls for Him so that He may be loved.
Let us seize with jealous care every least opportunity of self sacrifice.
Let us refuse Him nothing –
He does so want our love!
(St Therese of Lisieux to her sister Celine)

srmargaret60 150Margaret’s special day here in Alice Springs has come and gone, leaving wonderful memories not just for her, but also for those who joined with her on the Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

When Margaret and I first began planning her Alice Springs Jubilee celebration, we did not realise just how much like ‘Topsie’ it would become.  After Easter, we sat and made lists of what we would need to do, who to invite, and what we would plan for a light lunch following the Mass.  We did not factor into the initial planning the fact that with it being on the Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, it meant that Fr. Raass SVD would ensure it was going to be a CELEBRATION.  Not only because of Margaret’s anniversary.  It was the Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart patroness of the Parish.

srmargaretreis 150“Sunrise, sunset.  Sunrise, sunset.  
Swiftly flow the years.  
One season following another,
Laden with happiness and tears.”

SrMarieJeanBergin 150And Mary said:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
And my spirit exults in God my saviour;
Because he has looked upon his lowly handmaiden.
Yes, from this day forward all generations will call me blessed,
For the Almighty has done  great things for me.
Holy is his name, … Luke 1: 46-49

srtesswardoam abc 150Class has been cancelled so the community can use their ancient culture to honour Sister Tess on her appointment to the Order of Australia for her work in bilingual education. The 70-year-old nun has worked in the community, the largest in the Northern Territory, for decades running the bilingual language program at the local school.

"It's actually an overwhelmingly joyful day for me and touched me very deeply to see so many people and the children dancing," Sister Ward said.

"And people coming together in their way to honour me and show their respect in a cultural way.

srtesswardoam01 150The investiture, held at Wadeye, Northern Territory was very moving....within a very cultural context.  The main language groups sung and danced and made a presentation to Tess: a beautiful painting, a mat and printed cloth.  A group of Tiwi people was also present and they sung for Tess.

SrMStBernard 150The two disciples (Andrew and John] followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them following,
he said to them, ‘What are you looking for?”. They said to him, ‘Rabbi, where do you live?’
He said to them, ‘Come and see’. They came and saw … and remained with him. (John 1:35-39)

Wednesday, 25 May 2016 11:13

Sr Emmanuel Chapman turns 100

sremmanuelchapman02 150Another Sister, a daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, has achieved her century. Sister Emmanuel Chapman was born in Auckland in 1916 but grew up in Randwick and Coogee, NSW. Here she developed the two greatest loves of her life, for the spirituality of the MSC Fathers and the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and for the sea.

sremmanuelchapman01 150How does a religious sister who spent her 90th birthday scuba diving celebrate her 100th?

With a visit to Sydney Tower, where the view of the city is the perfect backdrop for looking back at a century of life.

Thursday, 24 March 2016 16:25

In the Spirit of Caring - Holy Thursday

handmassage easter 150During this season of Lent, we are reminded of the importance of touch in Jesus’ ministry.

olsh iwd 150As we celebrate International Women’s Day let us remember women everywhere and may we, through the intercession of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, do the good that is in our power to help all women sense their dignity and know deep within that they are loved by God.

pdf Click here to download our lnternational Women's Day Newsletter (1.00 MB)

srlorrainedenier 150O God, be a sheltering rock for me, a walled fortress to save me!
For you are my rock, my fortress;
for the sake of your name, guide me, lead me on.
I put my trust in you, Yahweh, I say, ‘You are my God’,
My days are in your hand, rescue me;
Let your face smile on your servant, save me in your love.  (Psalm 30, 2-3;14,16)

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