This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased’
These words from the Gospel of Luke are a beautiful summary of our Sister, Catherine Mary’s whole life: a rich life of 94 years, lived with Jesus and for Jesus. On Sunday 11th December our dear Sister, Catherine Mary, gently and peacefully breathed her last breath as she surrendered to her loving God whom she had served lovingly and faithfully as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart for 73 years.
To Catherine Mary’s relatives and friends who loved her so much and are deeply saddened by her death, we offer our deep sympathy and love. You know well her deep love for you, her pride and joy in you, and her gratitude to you. We also offer sympathy to those who join us via live streaming from around Australia and the world, especially our Sisters.
Aileen Kathleen Crocker, was born in Booleroo Centre, South Australia, on 25th October 1928, to James and Katherine Crocker, the third of four children. The family lived on a farm in a rural community where all in the neighbourhood were known to each other and cared for one another, especially when many struggled to keep their farms going. Catherine Mary’s mother was an excellent cook who made sure the children never went without during the challenging years of the Depression. Her parents lived a life of integrity and their strength during the difficult years living in rural Australia came from their deep religious faith.
Catherine Mary attended primary school in rural South Australia and completed her secondary education, as a border, at St Aloysius College in Adelaide. It was here that she enjoyed reading the stories of the missionaries and as a young girl felt called to follow Jesus as a missionary Sister. And so, in 1947 she entered the novitiate at Hartzer Park and made her first vows in January,1949.
Upon graduating from our her Primary Teacher Training course, Catherine Mary, began her epic voyage to Kiribati. It was a long journey on a phosphate ship to Ocean Island and from there on a smaller ship to Teaoraereke. Despite the challenges of extreme heat, lack of resources, living in a difficult isolated Mission, Catherine Mary herself commented ‘it was great, I loved every moment of it’.
Catherine Mary taught on six of the sixteen islands in the Gilberts Group (as Kiribati was then known). She enjoyed teaching the young girls and recalls the students being delighted when the food stores shipped from Australia, on the Santa Teresa, arrived. The stores consisted of flour, milk, butter, tinned meat and jam. The morning that the Santa Teresa arrived with the provisions school was cancelled and Catherine Mary spent the day in the kitchen baking, where she made the best bread the girls had ever tasted. In her words it was ‘Bonza’.
Catherine Mary returned to Australia in 1958 because of poor health. After a break she resumed her teaching ministry and taught in several OLSH Primary Schools in Queensland, NSW and South Australia. From 1972-77 she spent five years as Principal of St Brigid’s Primary School in Kilburn and as Community Leader of the Kilburn Community. She enjoyed living in this multicultural area where the people were accepting on one another and kind to each other…in her words; ‘the people of Kilburn were very good people’. As a Community Leader she was sensitive to the Sisters needs, she was kind and very hospitable. She enjoyed organising community gatherings where one was assured of some of her homemade treats.
After finishing teaching in 1977, Catherine Mary found herself doing what she loved, cooking. She cooked for the Sisters in community at Kilburn, Botany, Bentleigh, St Joseph’s and Kensington. In 1996 she began her ministry as the Supervisor of the Auxiliary Staff at St Joseph’s Aged Care Facility and was responsible for the day to day running of the Kitchen. Catherine Mary was a hands-on leader and when she saw a need she responded. When staff were unable to attend work Catherine Mary graciously filled in for them. In this role she is remembered as a lovely sister who cared for the workers and always treated them with kindness and respect. Sr Catherine Mary was generous with her time and her skills and is well known for working late into the evening making beautiful Christmas Cakes for the Sisters, our MSC brothers and others.
Besides cooking I have heard Catherine Mary enjoyed sport. A favourite family story is of her playing tennis with two nephews, she was dressed in full habit and nearly bought the local traffic to a crashing holt.
Catherine Mary was a beautiful Sister and those who lived with her remember her as a gracious, unassuming, and down to earth person who treated everyone with equal dignity and respect. When it was becoming apparent that Catherine Mary’s health was failing and she was asked to transfer to St Joseph’s Aged Care Facility, she accepted the decision with her typical graciousness. It was here that she was beautifully cared for until her death.
We will be ever grateful to James and Katherine and the Crocker family for the gift of Catherine Mary to our Congregation!
Go in peace dear Catherine Mary united with the one who says, ‘This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased’. Thank you for your faith filled witness and your beautiful generous heart.
May your gracious soul rest in peace.
Philippa Murphy fdnsc
Provincial Leader
20th December 2022